Terms of use

=== Introduction ===
In these notices, “Hobok”, "the company", “our”, “we” or “us”, refer to the "Hobok Consulting" company; on one hand. On the other hand ; The "User" of this website is referred to as either "user", "visitor", "your" , or "you".

These Terms & Conditions of Use, to which you agree a complete acceptance to be bound by as soon as you access & browse this website, describe terms and conditions that guideline your utilization of this website.

Hobok reserves the right to change these Policies at any time ; without notice and in its sole discretion, in order to adapt to current circumstances ; applicable practices & regulations.

Last updated date : 07/10/2024;

=== Disclaimer ===
This website is intended to offer a general presentation of Hobok Consulting, the content is provided only for general informational purposes, and does not constitute or imply any kind of contractual or warranty commitment relating to the company's services,

Content in this website is provided on an "AS IS" basis, and is likely to change because it reflects evolving aspects over time depending on the context and the environment, Hobok does not warrant that this content is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free,

Hobok takes no responsibility and assumes no liability relating to ; without limitation ; any kind of damage and inconvenience arising out of the use or inability to use this website, for instance ; Hobok does not warrant that this website or its servers are free of cyber threats ; viruses or damaging items.

The official web Domain Name of Hobok Consulting is hobok-consulting.com, any other counterfeit website is not the responsibility of Hobok Consulting.

It is strictly prohibited to perform malicious actions that affects the image of Hobok Consulting, or that cause or could cause, directly or indirectly, damages to the website or to the infrastructure of Hobok Consulting and the web Host,

The user undertakes not to use this website in the way that it may rise to civil or criminal liability. Any violation of the mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all responsible party, to the criminal and civil penalties provided by law

=== Hyperlinks to third-party websites ===
This website contains some hyperlinks that leads to other external third-party websites ; only as a convenience or to provide additional information, this does not imply any whatsoever Hobok approval of a secure use of these website or content therein,

Having no control over external third-party websites and their content (including social media websites), Hobok disclaims any responsibility for the use of external websites to which user has access via hyperlink from Hobok's website, or for the use of external websites pointing to Hobok's website.

For a safe browsing, the user should check and learn about terms & policies relating to external third-party web sites.

=== Intellectual Property ===
The entire content of this website, including but not limited to : photos, logos, registered trademarks, articles or writings, designs or concepts, graphics, slogans, are an exclusive property of Hobok Consulting or its Licensors, and are protected by copyright and intellectual property applicable provisions. Any whatsoever infringement use ; in whole or in part ; will lead to prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

It is prohibited to submit via this website or otherwise way to Hobok Consulting, any information or ideas that may be , or not, subject of intellectual property or copyright. These information will be systematically and irrevocably considered and treated as non-confidential and non-exclusive

Images attribution (©FREEPIK | ©HOBOK , All rights reserved) : Some pictures on this website use illustrations owned by FreePik as follows :

-1st image : Image by Macrovector on Freepik <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/polygonal-wireframe-business-strategy-composition-with-glittering-images-human-hand-incandescent-lamp-with-text_7379608.htm#from_view=detail_alsolike">Image by macrovector</a> on Freepik
-2nd image : Images by jcomp on FreePik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/smart-factory-working-person-using-wireless-technology-control_14244821.htm#query=smart%20factory&position=2&from_view=search&track=ais">Image by jcomp</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/industry-4-0-illustration-with-robotic-arm-smart-industrial-revolution-factory-process_13744582.htm#query=smart%20factory&position=0&from_view=search&track=ais">Image by jcomp</a> on Freepik
-3rd image : <a href="https://fr.freepik.com/vecteurs-libre/reglage-icone-technologie-vectorielle-engrenage-violet-neon-fond-degrade_16268021.htm#page=5&query=mechanical%20gear%203D%20design&position=18&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=b3ea054f-67c6-4e90-82ad-474af8933f4a">Image de rawpixel.com</a> sur Freepik
-4th image : <a href="https://fr.freepik.com/vecteurs-libre/concept-productivite-moderne-design-plat_3290585.htm#query=project%20management&position=48&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>
-6th image : Image de Sentavio sur FreePik
<a href="https://fr.freepik.com/vecteurs-libre/reunion-affaires-travail-equipe_11447460.htm#page=2&query=team%20work%20desk&position=1&from_view=search&track=ais">Image de sentavio</a> sur Freepik
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-10th image : <a href="http://www.freepik.com">Designed by Freepik</a>
-11th image : <a href="https://fr.freepik.com/vecteurs-libre/main-dessinee-femme-verifiant-fond-liste-controle-geant_4059780.htm#page=2&query=checking%20checklist&position=3&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>

=== Social media ===
For Marketing and Communication purposes, Hobok may be present and active on some Social Media platforms. Hobok Consulting assumes no liability relating to a fake or counterfeit profil on social media pretending to be "Hobok Consulting",

As a User and manager of its own profiles on the various Social Media, Hobok Consulting reserves the right to fully exercise ; without notice and limitations ; all rights granted by these platforms in term of community management.

Contents posted by our communities does not reflect ; in any way ; the opinions of Hobok Consulting, Furthermore Hobok Consulting does not approve their accuracy.

=== Privacy Policy - Personal Data ===
When you visit our website, it is not necessarily required to reveal all your personal data to us.
Moreover ; given our current organization, we cannot guarantee a personal data processing fully coherent with the applicable practices

However, when you submit a query by email or via the Contact Form to us, Hobok will ensure the appropriate measures to better protect your personal data from being disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

By submitting your personal data via this website, you agree that these information will be processed according to Hobok Consulting's internal procedures by authorized parties and qualified persons.

For all legitimate interests specific to Hobok Consulting ; the company reserves the right to activate the personal data policy only when the user's query is consistent and does not seem to be an abuse or spam.

If you provide raw data, the only information considered as personal data are : Identity (name, first name, status), coordinates (phone number, email, geographical location, company name), these data are collected and stored whether on digital hardware or on a printed format,

Your personal data are only collected in order to allow us to better respond to your query, they are retained only for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the legitimate purposes they are intended to, in no case they will be disclosed to third parties except for legal obligations.

=== Editor ===
Hobok Consulting, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Morocco (SARLAU)
Headquarter : 217 BD BRAHIM ROUDANI PROLONGE, N°3 ; 20026 Casablanca - Morocco
Share Capital : 10.000 MAD
Casablanca Trade Registry No : 539055
Phone number : + 212 (0)5 22 23 28 88
Contact : hobokconsulting@gmail.com
Web programming : Nindo SARL (www.nindo.ma)

=== Host ===
Company : Nindo SARL
Headquarter : 20 rue Allal Ben Abdellah, Rés Yasmine, 7ème étage, N°28, 90000 Tangier – Morocco
Phone number : +212 (0)5 39 94 67 29
Contact : contact@nindo.ma
Website : www.nindo.ma